China Aircraft Leasing Group Holdings Limited (« CALC » or the « Group », SEHK stock code: 01848), the largest independent operating aircraft lessor in China, is pleased to announce the operational data for the year ended 31 December 2016 (the « Year »).
China Aircraft Leasing Group Holdings Limited
Operational Data for the Year of 2016
As at 31 December 2016, CALC owns a portfolio of 81 aircraft. CALC’s clientele included 16 airlines in 5 countries and regions throughout the world.
For the Year, the Group delivered a total of 18 aircraft. During the Year, CALC completed rental realisation transaction for 14 aircraft.
Based on the order commitments, CALC has an order book of not less than 92 aircraft to be delivered by 2022.
The Group expects to deliver not less than 17 new aircraft in 2017.
Ms. Winnie LIU, Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Chief Commercial Officer of CALC, commented, « 2016 was a fruitful year for CALC and further tribute to CALC’s positioning as a one-stop full value-chain aircraft solutions provider, our globalisation efforts and constant innovation in aviation financing products.
This year, we have further forged and cemented our relationship with more airlines and extended our presence in new markets including Japan and US, which will fuel future demand for our aircraft service.
Going forward, we will continue to uphold our core values of innovation, commitment to high quality service and vision to go global, and strive to deliver value-added solutions to our customers, business partners and shareholders. »
About China Aircraft Leasing Group Holdings Limited
China Aircraft Leasing Group Holdings Limited (« CALC »; SEHK stock code: 1848.HK) is the largest independent aircraft operating lessor in China, in terms of new aircraft import under lease each year.
With its professional team possessing extensive international aviation market experience and its globalised sources of financing, the Group has developed into a full value-chain aircraft solution provider.
In addition to aircraft operating lease, financial lease and sales and leaseback, CALC provides customers with aircraft full-life solutions, covering fleet planning consultation, structured financing, fleet replacement package deal, third party aircraft resale as well as aircraft disassemble.
The Group is headquartered in Hong Kong, with offices in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Harbin, China; Labuan, Malaysia; Toulouse, France and Dublin, Ireland.
Listed on the main board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong on 11 July 2014, CALC is the first aircraft lessor listed in Asia. CALC is currently a constituent stock of the Hang Seng Global Composite Index, the Hang Seng Composite Index and MSCI China Small Cap index.
CALC was named « Aircraft Lessor of the Year » 2015 by Global Transport Finance, for its expertise in delivering outstanding services and providing effective financing solutions to a diverse range of customers.