It is not a proposal to take a last glass of Bordeaux before taking the road, "drink or drive it is necessary to choose", but an invitation to share our last Bordeaux of the event Sunny Monday which has the sole purpose of fighting the gloominess of Monday.
One last Bordeaux
Bye bye October
Here we are already on the last Monday of October in the middle of a long weekend for those who have the chance to do it, courage to those who work today (sometimes for the good Cause).
A last Bordeaux, theme considered the most difficult of the year, which will have flowed a lot of ink and which has increased your capacities of imagination to not let the gray invade our Mondays.
Welcome November
Hardly recovered from the time change, a real absurdity invented by the man, we will plunge tomorrow in the month of November, which will slowly bring us to the end of this year 2016.
Who says new month says new color!
Brown at the rendezvous
To judge from the comments you seem to fear even more the color "brown" than the color burgundy. For the record the theme is not obligatory it is just there to give a source of inspiration, a sort of guide, but it must not become a constraint.
Brown/chestnut color rhymes with brown or even more, breathe, it is to have fun.
Translated by Carrie
A Bordeaux, actuellement toutes les feuilles sont tombées Bernie 😉 C’est toutefois une très belle photo. A t-elle été prise au Jardin-Public en automne ? Les couleurs de certains arbres sont absolument magnifiques. J’avais fait toute une série de photos, et je n’en ai publié qu’une seule si je ne me trompe pas. Bonne journée à toi. Amitiés. Geneviève
This place is not just famous for red wine but also red leaves!