ENAIRE presents its free web application to fly drones safely

Pilots and operators may see and have open access to where these pilotless aircraft can be flown at drones.enaire.es free of charge. ENAIRE is committed to the technological innovation of new user services with this web application including updated information

free web application enaire fly  drones safely

Web application ENAIRE Drones

ENAIRE, the company of the Fomento Group that manages air navigation in Spain, presents its web application ENAIRE Drones to aid in flying this type of aircraft safely in our air space.

drones.enaire.es is a commitment to technological innovation, digital transformation and service improvement for users in accordance with ENAIRE’s strategic plan “2020 Flight plan” and the Ministry of Public Works’ Drones National Plan.

ENAIRE Drones offers assistance to pilots and operators of remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) and provides aeronautical data and information that help identify any restrictions of flying drones in a specific air space in accordance with the current legislation.

With the help of this web application, operators of these aircraft can plan the flight and read notifications and alerts before flying a drone.


Free web application

This free web application presents on a map the air spaces in Spain where you can use drones, as well as which areas to avoid, such as those with sensitive fauna, air control areas near airports, heliports, airdromes, military bases or natural parks that require an additional permit to fly this type of aircraft.

The information available on ENAIRE Drones is taken from the AIP España publication, where ENAIRE publishes all the information related to restricted areas, procedures and manoeuvres, as well as periodical updates that users of the air space must be aware of. To see last-minute updates on activities such as air festivals or restricted areas during a specific time, you must always check the aeronautical notifications, known as NOTAM, and published by ENAIRE.

ENAIRE Drones is available from ENAIRE.es and shows the information that can be displayed on any desktop device or mobile phone.

enaire drones free web application


Data in the sector

The growth of the drones sector has been registered by the Government Agency for Air Safety (AESA) with 3,041 operators and 74 training schools authorised to deliver drone pilot courses.

According to the data provided by AESA, there are currently over 3,754 pilots and more than 4,375 aircraft ready for professional use that can check at drones.enaire.es where to fly safely.

It is worth reminding that drones are not toys, and it is important to follow recommendations, as well as respect any prohibitions set by the Government Agency for Air Safety in Royal Decree 1036/17 when flying drones. When the flight is carried out beyond the pilot’s visual line of sight (BVLOS), the pilot must request permission from ENAIRE, as manager of the air space, by submitting a form available at ENAIRE.es.

ENAIRE Drones – Vuela tu dron con seguridad

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