Bye Aerospace Named a Colorado Companies to Watch Winner

Bye Aerospace Named a Colorado Companies to Watch Winner

Bye Aerospace, Inc. announced that it has been named a Colorado Company to Watch, acknowledging the drive, excellence and influence of Bye Aerospace as a growing high-tech aerospace company in the state. Colorado Companies to Watch honors second stage companies that develop valuable products and services, create quality jobs, enrich communities and create new industries throughout Colorado.

George Bye, Diane Simard Bye Aerospace
George Bye, Diane Simard Bye Aerospace

George Bye, CEO and Founder of Bye Aerospace, said he was grateful for the honor.

“What a privilege it is for Bye Aerospace to be headquartered in a state that embraces the innovative progress and impact aerospace is having on our state, country and world,” he said. “My thanks to our board members, employees and stockholders for their loyalty and support over our 10-year history.”

“We are pleased to recognize Bye Aerospace as one of Colorado’s 50 most innovative second stage companies,”

said Rick Ninneman, Colorado Companies to Watch Chairman.

 “These companies contribute significantly to the growth and economic independence of the state by developing new services and products, creating jobs, enriching communities and generating new industries.”

“Bye Aerospace is a global leader in aviation technology development and an excellent business partner supporting the Colorado business community,” said Jay Lindell, Aerospace and Defense Industry Champion for the Colorado Office of Economic Development. “We are proud that George Bye and his team continue to develop a leading innovative aerospace business in Colorado.”

Colorado Companies to Watch works to recognize the driving economic forces in the state by focusing not merely on growth, but on the true impact and influence of an organization. By focusing on second stage companies across the state, the program offers distinct insight into the state’s economic landscape and recognizes organizations often overlooked for the critical impact they have in their industries, communities and regions, as well as our state as a whole.

About Bye Aerospace:

Bye Aerospace is an innovator of sophisticated aerospace technology. The company, which was founded in 2007, is headquartered near Denver and brings advances in energy and design efficiencies to aerospace applications. 

logo bye aerospace
Bye Aerospace

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