The last Saint Henri’s encounters

After 27 years, the St Henri's encounters will take place for the last time. In keeping the spirit of generosity, which has always been driving what St Henri is about, three exceptional days of celebration will close this wonderful adventure which has lasted so long. September 2017 1st -2nd- 3 rd St Henri, village of Payra sur l'Hers, in the Aude department (France)

The last Saint Henri’s encounters



The St Henri association

As it has always been, art lovers, amateurs and connoisseurs, will be able to acquire during an auction sale en plein air, the fruits of the last residence, taking place this summer. In this open gallery, the visitors will be able in the morning, to discover the paintings exhibited on walls made of linen, and early in the afternoon, to bid for what has touched their hearts.

For lunch and dinner, picnics in music are offered to all the visitors and a cassoulet feast will be the last meal, to conclude what has been a wonderful odyssey. The closeness between the artists and the thousands of faithful visitors coming back each year for the auction, affordable prices for art, give this event a true feeling of a celebration of art.

The St Henri association who has made a point to always be fully independent, only has one word to symbolise what has been St Henri: sharing. All the artists were welcome, hosted, fed and provided with all the material they needed for their art, allowing them to create freely and without any constraint. Furthermore, all is conceived keeping in mind the importance of good food, good living, the respect of nature, and finding lost savoir faire (such as making soap with ash). Even for gargantuan quantities, all products are "homemade": beer, sausages, cheeses, everything is rigorously selected and often comes from neighboring farms.

This last edition aims to thank all who who for all these years, have contributed in their own ways, to make these encounters a success: loyal friends, art lovers, patrons, musicians, great Italian houses in the food industry. Success also comes from the fact that everything has always been facilitated by the great help of all the volunteers throughout the years. Passionate about art, about giving, about wonderful encounters, they have given their time and shared, offered what they could to the Association.

Mauro Olivieri,

Similarly to the Association’s 20 years celebration, Mauro Olivieri, designer and friend for almost 30 years, will offer the gift of his talent and share his vision by creating the design of the space, the spirit of the event. Food design is also dear to Mauro, as well as the love, the importance of cooking and eating well. Thus, thanks to him, we have the chance to benefit from the generosity of our Italian sponsors:

We are turning a page but cannot forget that the Association has welcomed more than 1 300 artists of all nationalities and from 47 countries, which has created a very international and real friendship. Thanks to the auctions, encounters, exchanges in different countries were made possible and took place on the 4 continents and many have created such encounters in their own countries. St Henri, a place of haring and encounters has thus perpetuated and transmitted across borders, its love and taste for life.

Practical Information


Friday, September 1st

Starting at 10 AM

Auction of the drawings under the tents

Free picnic lunch (grillades) with music

In the evening free performance with "Cie les montreurs d’ombre"

Evening meal offered

Saturday, September 2nd

Starting at 10:30 AM presentation of the paintings to be auctioned

1:00 – 3:00 PM Exhibition of the paintings

1:00 – 3:00 PM Free picnic lunch (grillades) with music

3:00 PM – Auction sale of the paintings not presented in previous years

8:00 PM – Evening meal offered

Sunday, September 3rd

10 AM to Noon – Exhibition of the Artworks

Noon – 15:00 PM Free picnic lunch (grillades) with music

3:00 PM – Auction sale of the paintings of the season

8:00 PM – Evening meal offered with a gigantic cassoulet

Saturday and Sunday

Cinéginguette :

Live on a screen, alternately – sometimes simultaneously – images which will bring you a unique experience! interactive films and projections of short films, for all audiences, under the stars.

Musicians :

"Los Sones de Séville". The cultural association "Los sones", founded in September 1994 in Olivares (Sevilla) with the intention to try to create another type of music. The word Charango (brass band composed of wood and percussion), defines their work perfectly. Today they are only committed to adapting modern music to their way of playing, to entertain all audiences with a particular instrumentation and dance

To come to St Henri,

village of Payra sur l'Hers, in the Aude department (France), artists must come alone (without their family or their pets:-):

  • By plane: Toulouse or Carcassonne airports.
  • By Train: take the train to the Castelnaudary station, and,
  • Take a Taxi from the Castelnaudary station. Ask to go to St. Henri, in the village of Payra sur l’Hers.
  • By Car: take the highway (Autoroute), exit Castelnauday. Then, go in direction of Mirepoix. At the top of the hill, after the village of Fendeille, take the asphalt road on the right
association saint henri


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