Toulouse Blagnac Airport traffic increased by 14.1% in June, with 852,909 commercial passengers. Activity was intense all month, and the best weekly traffic of the year was even recorded in the week of the Paris Air Show, from 19 to 25 June, with 207,620 passengers. Growth is particularly strong for international flights, with almost 400,000 passengers recorded. The low-cost sector accounts for 40.2% of total traffic, an increase of 48% compared to June 2016.

Toulouse Blagnac Airport : June Traffic Report +14.1% IN JUNE
Domestic traffic: 449,194 passengers (+5.5%).
Traffic with Paris is rising again (+3.5%), and growth for Paris-CDG (+9.9%) is stronger than for Paris-Orly (+1.3%). Regionally, the trend is stronger (+11.2%), with significant growth for Brest (+59.7%), Nantes (+ 23.3%), Ajaccio (+20.6%) and Strasbourg (+17.5%).
International traffic: 397,702 passengers (+24.9%).
Scheduled traffic for the Schengen area continues to experience strong growth, which began several months ago (+36.4%). Madrid has secured its position as the leading international destination, with 28,678 this month (+75.2%). Lisbon is now the 5th-ranking destination, with 20,036 passengers (+128.3%). Destinations in Greece and Italy are also doing well (+78.7% and +38.7% respectively). Outside of the Schengen area, there is a similar trend (+34.3%), with large numbers travelling to Great Britain (+35%). The drop for London-Heathrow (-18.3%) is offset by the rise for London-Gatwick (+2.1%) and the increased offer to other airports, particularly London-Stansted. Traffic for North Africa continues its renewed growth (+13.3%), with particularly good results for Tunisia (+33.1%) and Morocco (+33.2%), which compensate for the decrease for Algeria (-10.5%). Charter traffic has fallen again this month (-47.6%, 15,962 passengers), because of competition from routes opened by low-cost airlines.
Freight and postal traffic increased by 7.3%, with 6,702 tonnes handled.
The number of movements is on the rise (+10.6%), with 8,406 movements carried out. The average passenger load is 110 passengers, slightly above that of June 2016 (108 passengers per flight).