Video calls inspire new fashion project “Zoomer”

With persisting lockdown measures around the world, video call communication has become the “new normal” for business meetings. The new “video call culture” is pushing remotely working professionals to search for outfits that would suit both the casual setting and fit business attire standards.

zoom screen bernieshoot
Two creative professionals, a fashion designer and a personal branding consultant kicked-off a fashion project meant to brighten-up video call screens. The interactive pullover playfully referred to as « Zoomer’ is designed to make a statement in business and personal video calls. Aside from being universal, the pullover also pursues a sustainability agenda.

Video Call Fashion: Lithuanian Creatives Address Need for Screen-Friendly Statement Pieces with an Interactive Pullover

As many have chosen to simply lower the dress-code standards, fashion project “Zoomer” co-founders believe fashion should not be compromised. They have come up with a clever way to dress-up one essential clothing item—a video call-appropriate interactive jumper.

Zoomer” designed to make a statement on video call screen
Zoomer” designed to make a statement on video call screen

The jersey knit pullover, unofficially named “Zoomer,” comes in 5 different colours and may be customized with a designer miniature. Whatever the occasion, the modifiable garment may be used in a number of video-related situations: business meetings, conferences, virtual dates, parties and more.

Since many at-home workers are planning to carry on with the remote work even after the pandemic, Guoda Sakalauskienė, one of the pullover’s creators and a personal branding consultant, said the “Zoomer” has a dual function: a solution for the virtual dress code and a personal branding statement.

“As video calls have become the new normal for many of us, we wanted to bring some colour into the work-at-home clothing which would reflect different moods and situations. Of course, it goes without saying that it is still important to look good on a computer, mobile phone, or television screen, without compromising the comfort,” said G. Sakalauskienė. “Whether in real life or online, first impressions matter, and “Zoomer” helps to make that meeting memorable thanks to a wide range of possible transformations.”

Project “Zoomer” creators: Viktorija Bugajenko (left) and Guoda Sakalauskienė (right)
Project “Zoomer” creators: Viktorija Bugajenko (left) and Guoda Sakalauskienė (right)

Viktorija Bugajenko, the other creator behind “Zoomer”, owner of “Zefyras,” a fashion and design studio, believes the pullover is a statement in favour of sustainability.

“I have a strong belief that fashion sustainability can be achieved by simply owning less clothing. The latest global fashion tendencies echo this, with hashtag #OOOTD (Old Outfit of the Day—in reference to wearing the same outfit every day)  trending among the sustainable fashion activists. “Zoomer” contributes to our vision for sustainable clothing  because it can be worn day after day, without compromising fashion or professional look,” added V. Bugajenko. “The pullover can be dressed up or down, easily mixed with other items in your wardrobe, making it easy to wear in all virtual meetings and to change looks by accessorizing, putting on the detachable hood, or throwing a jacket on.”

“Screens should not diminish how we express ourselves” | Pictured: Hair studio “UFF” owner Valerijus Gigevičius
“Screens should not diminish how we express ourselves” | Pictured: Hair studio “UFF” owner Valerijus Gigevičius

Design studio “Zefyras” has been nurturing the concept of sustainability with out-of-the-box projects for a while now. The studio has been recognised on a national scale by winning a prestigious product design award for producing fashionable coats from recycled fabric scraps, which has become their signature look, whereby customized skirts, dresses and jumpers were produced in similar fashion.

Similarly, “Zoomer” encourages making bold statements when it comes to sustainable fashion choices. The project is meant to empower those who wear it. “We chose bright colours for “Zoomer” design, because the screens should not diminish how we express ourselves,” said Ms. Bugajenko.

“Zoomer” can be transformed: dressed up and down with accessories
“Zoomer” can be transformed: dressed up and down with accessories

The proceeds from the sale of the first 20 “Zoomers » and 10% from any subsequent sale will go to a local charity supporting families in crisis. The initial bulk sum will support women in need of feminine hygiene products. In turn, the project has garnered support by local and international brands, among them—Gentle Day, an international network of hygiene products also designed in Lithuania.

“Initiatives like this encourage long-term impact on the environment as well as consumer habits,” said Vilmantė Markevičienė, founder of Gentle Day. “By supporting the project, we hope to empower more women creators and entrepreneurs to collaborate and conceive other impactful ideas.”

“Zoomer” is the first collaboration between the designer and the entrepreneur, with similar projects to follow in the future. With fashion moving towards more sustainable options and  remote work staying here for the time being, interactive clothing might become a powerful  outlet for self-expression and environmental consciousness.

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Articles: 11760

2 commentaires

  1. ah zut;…si tu nous mets des textes en anglais, je ne suis plus en mesure de les lire, mon apprentissage de l’anglais est tellement loin…..hélas….passe une bien agréable journée

    • J’ai eu la chance de pratiquer l’anglais toute ma vie. Alors de temps en temps je publie des articles en anglais pour mes ami(e)s anglophones.

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