Royal pancakes in Nantes

In a precious and charming, the creperie of the Castle is the best address in Nantes to enjoy crepes and buckwheat pancakes. From sweet and to savoury, to treat yourself in a bijou house atmosphere and cider is organic.

la crêperie du Château Nantes

la crêperie du Château Nantes

Crêperie du Château

In the footsteps of the Duchess Anne

Confirmed recommendation

Difficult to stay in Nantes and to resist the urge to taste good pancakes. This address was highly recommended to us, but as always before talking to you about a great place, I prefer to test it myself

Precious and pleasant

You can see from the photos, the surrounding brings you to another epoch. It's actually quite natural since the creperie is located in the enclosure of Nantes Castle so we are on the steps of the Duchess Anne.

The bijou house atmosphere adds a real plus for a meal that will remain unforgettable.

precious and pleasant atmosphere

Quality service

The service is both refined and warm. It is appreciable to be greeted with a smile and benefit from a fast service which, in the same time, gives you time to choose and enjoy in peace.

A royal card and organic cider

Whether it is for savoury or sweet pancakes, the selection is very complete and you will find what you like. You know my sensitivity to ecology and organic food, therefore it was with pleasure that I found that the proposed cider, was organic.

Contact information

La crêperie du Château Nantes - France

La Crêperie du Château

8 rue du Château, 44000, Nantes, France


Translated by Carrie


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