
We are Art Box by Yukyco

Yukyco is a web creator. She lives in Japan and she will explain us what is Art Box and you will discover her work. Yuki, floor is yours.

sample art yukico
© Yukico

We are Art Box

Yukyko’s Design

I’m a web creator. Creator’s name is Yukyco. Currently I’m working as freelance. 

I built Art Box in 2013 on my web server with artistic friends from Facebook. It took so long time because artist friends are in Canada, France, Norway, Switzerland..

And I live in Japan. But I have friends in France who is so kind then she taught me about portfolio. Then I made portfolio

Spanish Bar If you don t want to need a tag, pleas
© Yukico

Built by Bootstrap

Art Box is built by Bootstrap. It’s still 2013’s version. I needed to remake it so hard but I enjoyed!

Bootstrap is such a popular framework. I love it because it’s so easy to use. They have a lot of cool design. Also they gave me chance to make Art Box.

sample ireland yukico
© Yukico

Patron page

Of course, I use security soft absolutely. I want be more professional at web service.

Just recently I made my Patron page.

I hope you can help my blog too

ppp yukico
© Yukico

Yukyco’s Story

She started to work for マチウケル since she was offered from them. (2009).
Since then she was offered from another Art Garelly : RBR Art and
She joined Tokyo Azabu market in 2009.
Also she joined 2010 Art Festival (In Australia).
She joined RBR Group exhibition in 2010.
She joined
愛と感動のあるアートライフ展示会 in April/October 2011.
She is joining
愛と感動のあるアートライフ展示会 in April/May 2012.

7月 渋谷チャリティーポストカード展に参加
8月 オンラインショップにてポストカードや作品・販売を開始
9月 マチウケルのクリエイターとして画像提供開始
12月 RBR主催のアートマーケットへの出展
3月 ニュージーランド展示会に出展
5月 ロフトワークでの年賀状のデザイン創作に参加
9月 麻布のグループ展RBR主催に出展
11 創作活動を続けながら、Facebookに作品を投稿し続けて、このページを開設

yukico hannabe web creator
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Articles: 11618

2 commentaires

  1. J’aime beaucoup ce design d’une extrême simplicité et très coloré. Je ne peux m’empêcher de le rapprocher du travail du Douanier Rousseau, avec cependant plus d’éclat dans les couleurs. Bonne continuation à Yukico.

    • C’est exactement ce que je me suis dit, elle a du talent et je suis content de la mettre en lumière

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