You dream of choosing the home hairdresser you want (depending on your location, prices and your desires), where you want (at work, at home) and when you want! The dream comes true thanks to the Toulouse Bigoudy Startup.

Choose the hairdresser you want in Toulouse

You dream of choosing the home hairdresser you want (depending on your location, prices and your desires), where you want (at work, at home) and when you want! The dream comes true thanks to the Toulouse Bigoudy Startup.

Bigoudy Toulouse


Bigoudy : The best hairdressers, where you want

Hairdresser at home connected

Bigoudy revolutionizes the hairstyle at home by offering fully connected hairdressers home service.

The concept?

The concept cannot be simpler. A website that connects individuals with professionals of hairdressing. Choose the hairdresser you want, where you want it and when you want it.

Ultimately, the customer decides everything!

How does it work?

It is very simple!

Just go to, select your postal code and the type of service you want and in just a few clicks you will find the hairdresser near you.

Then you will just need to fix a date and a place of appointment: it is you who decide and the turn is played!

Targeted audience?

Everyone is targeted!

It is very simple the hairstyle touches as much adults, children, women as men. It is obviously possible to reserve several haircuts on the same day in the same place, for example with family or friends.

A project around collaborative and new services

The idea originated from its three founders Morgan Charton, Olivier and Paul Bellucci.

They started from a simple observation: today people have less and less time, they are constantly running. Many of them do not have time to go to a hairdressing salon…

Everything begins in January 2016; these three young entrepreneurs want to carry out a project around collaborative and new services.

They quickly realize that there is no company present in the field of comparative home hairdressing. They throw themselves and Bigoudy makes his appearance on Toulouse!

It is truly in May 2016 that the website is operational and ready to welcome its first customers.

This is the first time you can choose your home hairdresser from a list of hairdressers: different prices, benefits, localities…

A true comparator to offer customers a real tailor-made offer.

Bigoudy also launches B2B (business to business) and offers its services in companies such as Airbus, Tisséo, IOT Valley and many others to come!

Translated by Carrie

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