Rohde and Schwarz launches new ATC direction finders

At the World ATM Congress in Madrid, Rohde & Schwarz will present the new R&S DF-ATC-S radio direction finding (RDF) system for raising standards in air traffic safety. In increasingly crowded airspaces, the direction finders will help controllers to reliably identify calling aircraft and prevent call-sign confusion.

Rohde & Schwarz

Rohde & Schwarz launches new ATC direction finders


Readbacks from the wrong aircraft can be recognized quickly. The R&S DF-ATC-S essentially gives controllers an extra sense.

The R&S DF-ATC-S marks a milestone in the long-standing tradition of Rohde & Schwarz air traffic direction finders. It comes with multi-channel capability and can take bearings on up to 32 channels in parallel. Its high sensitivity and DF accuracy permit wide coverage and precise georeferencing of calling aircraft.

Due to the compact outdoor unit, the system requires minimum infrastructure. These features make the direction finder a cost-effective safety investment that is ready for the future.

worl atm congress

Stop by and see the advantages of the new direction finder at the World ATM Congress in Madrid, at booth 586 in hall 10, from March 6 to 8, 2018.

rohde and schwarz


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