Austro Control and FREQUENTIS highlight success of new Homebriefing system

Austrian ANSP Austro Control has been effectively processing flight plans and related data through its Homebriefing system, successfully implemented in cooperation with Frequentis at the end of 2017. This month marks 10,000 flight plans processed by the new system, which enables pilots to comprehensively prepare themselves for flights by submitting flight plans online via an internet platform and at Selfbriefing-Terminals located at all Austrian airports.

Austro Control FREQUENTIS highlight success Homebriefing system

Austro Control and FREQUENTIS highlight success of new Homebriefing system

10,0000 flight plans successfully processed since November.

The Austro Control Homebriefing system is based on the key features of the European AIS Database (EAD) and is closely connected to the EAD, which was implemented and operated by Frequentis on behalf of EUROCONTROL. Flight plan (FPL) data is entered into an electronic format and sent to the responsible ATC reporting officer (ARO), for checking and distribution.


The user interface is particularly critical for this system since it is not only used by professional flight data managers, but also by a considerable number of Austrian private pilots. The online platform allows users to file a new flight plan, change a flight plan, delay a flight plan, send an arrival message, retrieve slot information or cancel a flight plan. It also allows the retrieval of NOTAM and weather information and is supported on all mobile browsers including phones and tablets.


The new Homebriefing platform has been used by more than 6,200 customers, filing more than 10,000 flight plans and retrieving over 15,000 integrated briefings.


“The main focus of Austro Control as Austrian Air Navigation Service Provider is safety. A thorough and effective flight preparation plays a crucial role, when it comes to ensuring safe air travel. With the new and improved Austro Control Homebriefing System pilots can access all the relevant information with a click of a button, when and wherever they need it”, says Austro Control CEO Heinz Sommerbauer.


“By basing the system on the European AIS Database we were able to develop a more cost-effective system, which allows us to provide our briefing services free of charge to our customers. In combination with the significantly improved user interface, we now have a platform that will be used by more and more pilots”, says Austro Control COO Thomas Hoffmann.


Frequentis began working with the ANSP of Austria over 60 years ago, in 1955, when installing voice communication equipment at Vienna Airport. In 2010 Frequentis supplied further voice communication for the towers/approaches in Klagenfurt, Innsbruck and Salzburg and in 2013 was selected to carry out the renewal of the Austro Control Homebriefing/Internetbriefing system, designed to enhance the coordination of flight plans in Austria.


“Frequentis is proud of six decades of commitment to Austrian air traffic control and are extremely pleased that the latest flight plan data management and briefing system has been so successful. We are honoured that Austro Control has put their trust in our strengths and abilities for so long and that our proven track record and expertise has mean

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