Always a new reason to smile

Because life is the ideal day, every day offers us a new reason to smile. Let us find everyday reasons to smile and always be the reason for a person's smile.

Always a new reason to smile

Always a new reason to smile

Always a new reason to smile

Smile while discovering social networks

Discovering that the Facebook page of Bernieshoot has exceeded 2K and know that the interactions are more and more bring a smile. Have a subscriber unit on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and know that loyalty is at the rendezvous with more than 90%.

Smile because the temperatures are cold

The announcement that cold temperatures are being announced is a reason to smile and to be glad that winter is still a season that rhymes with cold. Think of those who do not have a roof.

Smile of the number of entries in the contest

Finding out that you love the contests and proposing you a new contest this week. Making you happy and giving you a smile is one of the editorial lines of bernieshoot.

Smile for the photo of Sunday.

Smile by choosing the participation in the photo of Sunday that brings a new reason to participate with always a smile.

Translated by Carrie

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