SatCen and Proximus to speak at Luciad User Conference 2016

Luciad announced further updates to the speaker programme for INTERACT 2016 today. Alexis Letulier, Head of IT at the European Union Satellite Centre (SatCen), has joined the line-up of renowned experts at Luciad’s international geospatial conference. Jan Sonck, Head of Enterprise Innovation for Belgium’s largest telecoms operator Proximus, will also join the speaker podium.

INTERACT Luciad User Conference 2016 Brussels

INTERACT Luciad User Conference 2016 Brussels

INTERACT Luciad User Conference 2016 Brussels



Letulier’s presentation “Delivering GEOINT, from products to services” will illustrate the SatCen vision with concrete examples of deployed services, foreseen developments and their added value. SatCen is an imagery analysis center based near Madrid, Spain dedicated to providing GEOINT and IMINT products.


Traditionally, the SatCen, as with many other IMINT (Image Intelligence) and GEOINT (Geospatial Intelligence) agencies have delivered products to their end users as finished products to address specific needs.

Today’s technologies and networking capabilities allow the delivery of advanced services 24/7. This empowers end users to compose their own products and unleash the full value of geospatial intelligence.


Jan Sonck, Head of Enterprise Innovation for Belgium’s largest telecoms operator Proximus, will also join the speaker podium. Sonck will deliver a presentation on how to unleash the power of context with telecoms data. Contextual information is a rich, but untapped source of data for innovation and the insights gained from it will increasingly contribute to value creation in many sectors.

Luciad’s User Conference

Luciad’s User Conference is the premier event for geospatial professionals and developers from the Aviation, Defence, Maritime, Safety & Security and Utilities & Logistics sectors. It will be held on September 28th & 29th at Square – the Brussels Meeting Centre.


Registration for the 2016 Luciad User conference is now open and full details can be found at Queries from those interested in attending can be sent to or directed to +32 (0) 16 23 95 91.

About Luciad

Luciad’s software components are designed for the creation of applications that tackle a range of tasks, from top-level strategy to tactical detail and mission planning to operations debriefing.

By connecting directly to data sources, Luciad’s software not only analyzes and visualizes what is happening now, but also helps predict what will happen next – allowing users to act quickly and safely. “Connect, visualize, analyze, act” is both our method and our motto. 


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