100 conseils … pour une photo

bernieshoot amoureux en bord de Garonne (Toulouse)

100 Things I’ve Learned About Photography by Martin Gommel

1. Never do photography to become a rock-star.
2. Enjoy what you are shooting.
3. Prepare well for your shooting, realizing that your battery isn’t charge when you’re setting up for that sunrise shoot is too late!
4. Always take one warm garment more than you actually need with you
5. Pay attention to your thoughts and emotions while you are shooting
6. Set goals you can achieve
7. Write tips about photography, because writing is also learning
8. Never go shooting without a tripod
9. Be pleased with the little prosperities
10. Build relationships with potential photo buddies
11. Watch the place you want to shoot first with your heart then with the camera
12. Always stay calm
13. Know that you tend to overestimate yourself
14. Perspective is the killer
15. Dedicate yourself to photography, but never browbeat yourself too much
16. Take part in a photography community
17. Keep your camera clean
18. Never compare yourself to others in a better or worse context
19. Find your own style of photography
20. Try to compose more and to hit the shutter less
21. Seek out and learn to accept critique on your images
22. Do something different to recover creativity
23. Get inspiration from the work of other photographers
24. Criticize honestly but respectfully
25. Get feedback from your lady
26. Don’t copy other photographer’s style
27. Be bold
28. Take care of the golden ratio
29. 10mm rocks!
30. Take selfportraits
31. Read books about photography
32. To give a landscapephotograph the extra boost, integrate a person (maybe yourself)
33. Every shooting situation is different than you expect
34. Pay attention to s-curves and lines
35. Always shoot in RAW
36. Keep your sensor clean, so you can save some work cleaning your image in post production
37. Discover the things you think are beautiful
38. It takes time to become a good photographer
39. The best equipment is that what you have now
40. You can’t take photographs of everything
41. Break the rules of photography knowingly, but not your camera 😉
42. Pay attention to the different way that light falls on different parts of your scene
43. The eye moves to the point of contrast
44. Clouds increase the atmosphere of a landscape
45. Start a photoblog
46. Accept praise and say “thank you”
47. ‘Nice Shot’ is not a very useful comment to write
48. ‘Amazing!’ isn’t useful either. Try to describe specifically what you like or don’t like about an image.
49. You are not your camera
50. Ask a question at the end of your comment on a photo to get a ping-pong conversation with the photographer
51. Do a review of your archives on a regular basis, the longer you photograph – the more diamonds are hidden there
52. Always clarify what the eyecatcher (focal point) will be in your image
53. No image is better than a bad one
54. Everyone has to start little
55. Your opinion about photography is important!
56. Leave a funny but thoughtful comment
57. Speak about your experiences with your photo buddies
58. Limit your photograph to the substance
59. Participate in Photocontests
60. Post processing = Optimizing your image to the best result
61. Shoot exposure latitudes as often as possible
62. Use photomatix as seldom as possible, HDR’s always have a synthetic flavor
63. Always remember what brought you to photography
64. Never shoot a person who doensn’t want to be photographed
65. Always turn arround, sometimes the better image is behind you
66. It’s who’s behind the camera, not the camera
67. Mistakes are allowed! The more mistakes you make, the more you learn!
68. If you have an idea and immediately you think : No, this is not going to work – Do it anyway. When in doubt – always shoot.
69. Understand and look to your histogramm while shooting. It delivers very important information about your image
70. Know your camera, because searching the menu button in the night is time you don’t want to waste
71. Shoot as often as possible
72. Believe in yourself
73. Don’t be afraid of getting dirty
74. Pay attention to qualitiy in your image
75. Your photographs are a personal map of your psyche
76. Re-check your ISO-Settings. It’s aweful to detect the wrong settings on your screen.
77. Be thankful for long and thoughtful comments on your images
78. Never trust your LCD. Normally it is brighter and sharper as the original image.
79. Provide for enough disc space, because it’s cheap and you will need it.
80. Learn to enjoy beautful moments when you don’t have a camera with you.
81. Always arrive at least half an hour earlier before sunrise / sundown, composing in a hurry is a bad thing.
82. Try to amplify your mental and physical limits. Takes some extra shots when you think “it’s enough”
83. Pay attention to structures in the sky and wait until they fit into structures in the foreground
84. Visit the same place as often as possible. Light never shows the same mountain.
85. Print your images in big size. You will love it.
86. Calibrate your monitor. Working with a monitor that is not accurate is like being together with someone you can’t trust. It always ends badly.
87. Don’t think about what others may say about your image. If you like it, it’s worth publishing.
88. Never address reproaches to yourself. Learn from your mistakes and look forward, not backward.
89. Fight your laziness ! Creativitiy comes after discipline.
90. Ask yourself : What do you want to express in your images ?
91. Always try to think outside the box, collect new ideas about photographs you could do and ask yourself : Why not?
92. Search for a mentor.
93. Photography is never a waste of time.
94. Every community has it’s downsides. Don’t leave it out of an emotional response.
95. There will always be people who will not like what you are doing.
96. Henri Cartier-Bresson was right when he said that “Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst.”
97. A better camera doesn’t guarantee better images.
98. Always have printing in mind when you postprocess your images.
99. Photography is fair : You gain publicity with the quality of your images. Unless the images are stolen, there is no way of cheating yourself higher.
100. Write a 100 things list

101 …
Bien à toi !

@bernieshoot amoureux en bord de Garonne (Toulouse)

@bernieshoot amoureux en bord de Garonne (Toulouse)

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Moi, c'est Bernie. Incubateur d'actualités pour vous informer autrement.

Articles: 11757

90 commentaires

  1. All of those one hundred things, can be used everywhere. Basics. 🙂
    Thanks Bernerd for sharing 🙂

  2. Je ne suis pas forcément en accord avec tous les principes énoncés ( entre autres le trepied indispensable, shooter en RAW…), et peut être proposer une traduction en français aurait été judicieux.
    Merci pour ce point de vue donné, mais je crois que chacun a sa manière de faire, et c’est très bien comme ça ! Nous ne sommes pas tous fait du même moule, Youpi !
    Bonne journée

    • C’est un article que je réédite pour qu’il est une photo de couverture.
      Pour les conseils, comme toujours il faut en prendre et en laisser,
      chacun doit fairse son chemin photographique

  3. 100 punaise, moi je cadre, je click et hop…. Heu…. suis pas photographe non plus !!! ça doit être pour ça !!! LoL :oD

  4. merci pour ces conseils.J’en ai retenu quelques uns dont « retourne-toi souvent » et « prends la photo même si tu crois qu’elle ne rendra pas ». Je reviendrai relire les autres le plus souvent
    +5booster d’Elisabeth

  5.   youhouuuu mon ordi va beaucoup mieux ! cetait mozilla qui me deconnait ! tout est reglé
    maintenant je vais pouvoir reprendre du poil de la bete hihihi ! bon je te souhaite un superbe weekend ok
    ? allé prend soin de toi et continuons notre partage pour moi cest le bonheur total lol et oui cest ça lamitié donné du bonheur des peines enfin tout partager quoi hihi ! GROS BISOUSSSSSSSS ! et bon samediiii !

  6. Bonsoir mon très cher Bernard
    Si avec tous ces conseils là les photos sont ratées ,il faut vite ranger son APN !
    Superbe contre-jour plein de sentiments ! J’adore ce cliché !!! Bien vu mon ami
    Bonne nuit
    Gros bisous Méline

  7. Je crois que l’on pourrait me donner 1001 conseils, rien n’y ferait … La photo c’est un art et c’est un métier …
    Bien à toi …

  8. …heu, j’ai pas encore pris le temps de déchiffrer…^^’ mais la photo en elle même est bien jolie, romantique…agréable à voir !

    Bien à toi !!

    • je n’ai pas la version française …
      qui veut la faire etme l’envoyer … ?
      Bien à toi !

  9. Cc

    * Je viens te souhaiter Une très bonne aprem *
    ?? Un très bon vendredi??
    ___________$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$_______ Amitié
    ________________$$$$$$$________ Gros bisous
    _______$_______________________$________ 5


  10. il me manque un peu de vocabulaire pour absolument tout comprendre… mais des conseils judicieux et plein de bons sens… ps: passionnée de quoi alors la miss? musique? biz!!

  11. Hi Bernard

    Super good idea to share those tips …I definetly could use  some tips

    Have a great week end. Take care . Crikette 

    • mais si … je suis certain que quelqu’un va nous faire une version française
      Bien à toi !

  12. c’est malin, va falloir que j’aprenne l’anglais, c’est bien de l’anglais?, mais la photos peut être lue par tout à chacun, elle parle d’amour, d’amitié, d’âma soeur…
    bises, rejane

    Tu vas bien ? alors je vais essayé denvoyé des coms
    a tout le monde mais cest pas gagné !
    je ne fais que bloqué les pages grrr
    Et bien nous voila deja a la fin de la semaine !
    le temps passe passe il trepasse et nous nous
    voyons pas vieillir lolll
    jespere que tu vas passé une bonne journee !
    je te fais un GROS BISOUSSSSS
    a plus tard my friend !

  14. je crois que tu n’en as pas besoin…celle-là reflète si bien le bonheur de l’instant partagé ….et moi je suis nulle in english…alors je clique et je reclique sans rien savoir……avec mon

    • Si nous avons toujours besoin de conseil…
      j’ai sollicité une version française ..
      Nikon forever (Nikon pour toujours ;-))
      Bien à toi !

  15. Bon et bien là, il faut que je me sers d’un … traducteur !! l’anglais et moi, nous sommes un peu fachés !! Par contre le « 101 », c’est bon et donc, je te le dis également. Bonne journée. Bizzz

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