Matt Portland – South Destruction|As Summer Blows Away’

Matt Portland, a young songwriter from London, is certainly one to watch over the next few months. With a debut EP set for release in late October, his debut double A-Side is a promising sign of what’s to come.

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Matt Portland

South Destruction|As Summer Blows Away’

The leading track focusses on a fictitious place ‘South Destruction’, a place one goes to in their mind with temptation and deals with the struggle of wanting to leave but finding it difficult to do so.

The track slowly builds up with the addition of guitar drones and percussion, adding a feeling of tension until it finally peaks at the bridge, with the background vocals carrying it through to the final chorus.

The second track ‘As Summer Blows Away’ wonderfully encapsulates the regret, sadness, and vulnerability felt when a chance passes you by.

The addition of strings from the second verse and the 60’s soul-esque backing vocals gives the overall track a classic sound. Both tracks are free to download on either Matt Portland’s Soundcloud page or his Bandcamp.


A solo artist

Matt is a solo artist who writes, produces and plays every instrument on his songs, recorded in his small home studio. He picked up his first instrument a little under 3 years ago and began writing shortly after. His songwriting style draws from a wide range of musical and literary influences.

Musically he pulls from the pop music of the 60’s and 70’s, from the huge reverbs of Abbey Road to the rich strings and prominent piano ballads of Hunky Dory and Lennon’s Imagine LP. Influence also draws from writers such as Bukowski and Burroughs and melodically from such artists as Lana Del Rey and Alex Turner.


'London-based songwriter Matt Portland has impressed on his debut double A-Side South Destruction/As Summer Blows Away. Portland begins both tracks with a sparsely elegant piano accompaniment alongside his caressing vocal presence. Both are fine showings from this promising artist.Obscure Sound.


‘Overall, the record’s most appealing and intoxicating pull comes from the Londoner’s touching vocals, which really get under your skin with their timeless tone.’ FromSophiaWithLove.

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