George Bye to Speak at Santa Monica Airport’s Museum of Flying Jan. 20

The Santa Monica Airport Association and the airport’s Museum of Flying will host a public event on Saturday, Jan. 20, featuring George Bye, CEO of Bye Aerospace, who will discuss the benefits of electric flight and the future of flight training.

George Bye, Bye Aerospace
George Bye, Bye Aerospace © DR


“Electric Airplane Morning” at Santa Monica Airport’s Museum of Flying on Jan. 20

George Bye to Provide Keynote Address About Advantages of Electric Aircraft

The Santa Monica Airport Association and the airport’s Museum of Flying will host a public event on Saturday, Jan. 20, featuring George Bye, CEO of Bye Aerospace, who will discuss the benefits of electric flight and the future of flight training.

The museum will provide a special $5.00 admission from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Bye’s presentation will begin at 10 a.m.

Bye is the creative innovator behind Bye Aerospace, which he founded in 2007, and has two decades of experience as an aerospace entrepreneur and executive. Among his designs, which utilize advanced aerodynamics, composite structures and alternative propulsion systems, are the “Sun Flyer” family of 2 and 4-seat electric aircraft and two new solar-electric hybrid unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) concepts.

“General aviation is ready for a much-needed boost, and the benefits of electric flight, including lower noise and emissions, are particularly important to airports like Santa Monica Airport,” Bye said. “My thanks to Santa Monica Airport Association and the Museum of Flying for inviting me to participate.”

Dave Hopkins, Vice President of the Santa Monica Airport Association, said the event is timely, given the possibilities of electric flight. “We are honored to welcome George, who has been at the forefront of electric aviation for years,” he said. “Electric aircraft, which offer zero emissions and near-silent operation would be most welcome at Santa Monica Airport for the next 100 years of operation at the historic airport.”

Bye Aerospace designs and builds advanced aircraft products for general aviation, aerospace and defense, near-space and atmospheric satellite markets. The company is developing an advanced, high-altitude, long-endurance solar-electric unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) called “StratoAirNet.” Sun Flyer is primarily targeted to the flight training market. A prototype for the 2-seat Sun Flyer is in final ground test stage and preparing for first flight.


Please visit the link for more information and to reserve tickets

About Santa Monica Airport Association
The Santa Monica Airport Association (SMAA) is dedicated to preserving and promoting the century old Santa Monica Municipal Airport for the many vital services it provides to Santa Monica and the nation including medical transport, economic development, education, conservation and recreation. For more information, go to

About Santa Monica Airport Museum of Flying
Originally established in 1974 as the Douglas Museum and Library, the Museum collection consists of the many original artifacts related to the Douglas Aircraft Company, a variety of exhibits, aviation art, and features an array of aircraft from a Wright Flyer replica to aircraft of the jet age. For more information, go to

About George Bye
George Bye, an aviation pioneer, is the CEO and Founder of Bye Aerospace, headquartered near Denver. Among his aircraft designs are a small solar-electric hybrid UAV, electric aircraft and technologies and the new, solar-electric hybrid UAV program, StratoAirNet and Silent Guardian. Previously, he launched, developed and led the Company designing the Javelin, a transonic two-seat jet for military and civil utility. Bye has a B.S. in Engineering from the University of Washington, is an ATP rated pilot and has logged over 4,000 flying hours. He was a USAF instructor pilot in the supersonic T-38 for Euro-NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training, C-141B Instructor Aircraft Commander and is a veteran of Desert Storm.  For more information, go to and

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