90% of Ryanair flights on time in March

90% of Ryanair flights on time in March

ryanair airline europe

Ryanair, Europe’s No 1 airline, today (12 Apr) released its March customer service statistics, which confirm that Ryanair remains Europe’s No 1 customer service airline with:

  • 90% of over 53,000 flights in March arriving on-time
  • Less than 2.5 complaints per 1,000 customers
  • Less than 1 bag complaint per 2,000 customers
  • Over 99% of all complaints answered within 7 days

Ryanair’s Robin Kiely said:

“Ryanair carried over 9 million customers in March with 90% of our 53,000 flights arriving on-time, as we continued to improve our customer experience. With our expanding route network and additional enhancements under year 4 of our “Always Getting Better” programme, Ryanair continues to deliver so much more than the lowest fares in Europe.”

March 2016 2017
On-time flights 88% 90%
Complaints per 1,000 pax 1.41 2.28
Bag complaints per 1,000 pax 0.50 0.50
Complaints answered within 7 days 99% 99%


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