Inaugural flight of the all-electric helicopter VOLTA

Marc Houalla, Director of ENAC, was lucky enough to be able to attend the inaugural flight of the all-electric VOLTA helicopter in the presence of the Director General of Civil Aviation and the Minister of the Environment, Energy and the Sea, Ségolène Royal, last Wednesday on the heliport of Issy-les-Moulineaux.


all-electric helicopter VOLTA

all-electric helicopter VOLTA

Inaugural flight of the all-electric helicopter VOLTA

The ENAC team

The ENAC team was composed of Hélène Gaspard-Boulinc, Stéphane Conversy and Jean-Pierre Celton, teachers or lecturers who have heavily invested in the development of this helicopter, as well as Camille Sanchez, a student IENAC, who participated in projects on the development of this helicopter.

Apart from the pioneering and innovative character of the device, which is the first conventional electric helicopter piloted, it was the recognition of our whole school that marked this event.

Result of a synergy

Indeed, this exciting project is the result of a synergy between an SME in the Toulouse region with our researchers, our teachers and our maintenance personnel who collectively participated in the development and development of this device. I do not forget, of course, our students, who, through numerous projects, have worked on new solutions adapted to the device and its constraints.

Marc Houalla warmly thanked the staff, who gave their time, energy and enthusiasm to make this flight possible.

Translated by Carrie

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