world atm congress 2016



WORLD ATM CONGRESS 2016 – Record Attendance


For the fourth year, air traffic leaders convene to plan the future of global aviation.

The fourth annual World ATM Congress concluded Thursday, 10 March. As the world’s largest air traffic management (ATM) exhibition, the Congress welcomed 7,175 registrants and 225 exhibitors.

Ana María Pastor Julián, Spain’s Minister of Public Works and Transport, opened the three-day Congress. The conference portion included four sessions that examined remote towers and the implications of new entrants into the system, and forecasted the short- and long-term future of aviation. The exhibition showcased innovative aviation products, like flight and remote tower simulators, sensors, and radomes, and hosted several high-profile industry deal signings, such as mergers and partnerships. Several events took place as well, including the European Commission’s Single European Sky Awards.

Five theatres featured over 80 hours of presentations, including product demonstrations and launches, from over 55 leading aviation professionals from industry, government, labor, and educational institutions.

« Looking around the Exhibition, it was a veritable who’s who in global aviation, » said ATCA President and CEO Peter F. Dumont. « The caliber of attendees and their unique, extensive knowledgebase never cease to inspire me. World ATM Congress is truly a forum where our community collaborates to move the needle on ATM and aviation safety, efficiency, and modernization. Someone told me that World ATM Congress is like an aviation supermarket. There were countless opportunities to learn and do business this week. That’s what we aim for with the Congress-giving our attendees access to every segment of aviation. »

CANSO Director General Jeff Poole said, « Everyone who attended World ATM Congress this year benefitted from the obvious high value of the event. From commercial companies signing deals; to air traffic management staff learning about the latest technologies and best practice; to leaders from across the industry sharing ideas and working together to improve the efficiency and enhance the safety of airspace. Everyone to whom I spoke left Madrid having gained value and committed to returning in 2017. World ATM Congress serves the entire needs of the global ATM industry. »

Opportunities for 2017 now available

World ATM Congress is produced through a partnership between CANSO and ATCA and will reconvene 7-9 March 2017. Exhibition space is now available for 2017.

About World ATM Congress

a world-class conference, and premier networking opportunities with the chance to learn the latest air traffic trends and developments. World ATM Congress is organized for the industry, by the industry. A partnership between CANSO and ATCA, World ATM Congress is backed by leading air navigation service providers and industry suppliers.

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